
, , , , ,

Here again, and, for the first time,

This aeons-old meeting-place

You and I make cross-roads of our arms

and our wanting speaks within

This exquisite tension

between permission and resistance

Poised, in the flesh of your instinctive seeking

Gustav Klimt -

Gustav Klimt – “The Kiss”

and my seeming witholding…



I await the secret knock

the whispered invocation

Scored, taut, across

the skin of you

To be sensed, like Braille,

blind-seeing, beyond where I resist

The night, for a moment, pauses;

We hold night in our mouths



As the weight of you,

the waiting of you, falls

into the arms of my sex

I yield, whilst somehow, still,

you are held by me;

I pour away,

an endless avalanche

of release.

©  Adrea Kore 2012
(Not to be reproduced or reprinted,
 in part or in whole, without permission of the author

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